Contains the main ui component of the search menu ui.
- Source:
Type Definitions
DataConverter(searchData) → {module:searchmenu.SearchUiData}
This function converts the data from search backend to the structure needed by the search UI.
Name | Type | Description |
searchData |
Object |
- Source:
converted and structured data for search UI
ElementCreatedListener(newlyCreatedElement, isParent)
This function will be called when a new HTML is created.
Name | Type | Description |
newlyCreatedElement |
Element | |
isParent |
boolean | true, if it is the created parent. false, if it is a child within the created parent. |
- Source:
ElementFoundListener(foundElement, isParent)
This function will be called for every found element
Name | Type | Description |
foundElement |
Element | |
isParent |
boolean | true, if it is the created parent. false, if it is a child within the created parent. |
- Source:
ElementPredicate(element) → {boolean}
Name | Type | Description |
element |
Element |
- Source:
true, when the predicate matches the given element, false otherwise.
- Type
- boolean
FieldsJson() → {String}
- Source:
JSON of all contained fields
- Type
- String
ListElementFunction(listElement) → {Object}
This function is called for every html element of a given parent.
Name | Type | Description |
listElement |
Element | name of the sub menu entries |
- Source:
optional result to exit the loop or null otherwise.
- Type
- Object
- Object
Name | Type | Description |
id |
id | Original ID |
type |
string | Type of the list element |
index |
number | Index of the list element |
previousId |
string | ID of the previous list element |
nextId |
string | ID of the next list element |
firstId |
string | ID of the first list element |
lastId |
string | ID of the last list element |
subMenuId |
module:searchmenu.SubMenuId | Returns the ID of the first sub menu entry (with the given type name as parameter) |
mainMenuId |
string | ID of the main menu entry e.g. to leave the sub menu. Equals to the id, if it already is a main menu entry |
hiddenFieldsId |
boolean | ID of the embedded hidden field, that contains all public information of the described entry as JSON. |
hiddenFields |
boolean | Parses the JSON inside the "hiddenFieldsId"-Element and returns the object with the described entry. |
isFirstElement |
boolean | true, if it is the first element in the list |
isSubMenu |
boolean | true, if it is the ID of an sub menu entry |
- Source:
This callback will be called, if there is not next or previous menu entry to navigate to. The implementation can decide, what to do using the given id properties.
Name | Type | Description |
properties |
module:searchmenu.ListElementIdProperties | of the element id |
- Source:
This function will be called to navigate to a selected search result url.
Name | Type | Description |
destinationUrl |
String |
- Source:
ResolveTemplateFunction(template) → {String}
Name | Type | Description |
template |
String | may contain variables in double curly brackets. T Typically supported variables would be: {{category}} {{fieldName}}, {{displayName}}, {{abbreviation}}, {{value}} |
- Source:
string with resolved/replaced variables
- Type
- String
- Object
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
triggerSearch |
module:searchmenu.SearchService | triggers search (backend) |
convertData |
module:searchmenu.DataConverter | converts search result data to search ui data. Lets data through unchanged by default. |
addPredefinedParametersTo |
module:searchmenu.searchParameterAdder | adds custom search parameters |
onCreatedElement |
module:searchmenu.ElementCreatedListener | this function will be called when a new HTML is created. |
navigateTo |
module:searchmenu.NavigateToFunction | this function will be called to navigate to a selected search result url. |
searchAreaElementId |
string | id of the whole search area (default="searcharea") |
inputElementId |
string | id of the search input field (default="searchinputtext") |
resultsView |
module:searchmenu.SearchViewDescription | describes the main view containing the search results |
detailView |
module:searchmenu.SearchViewDescription | describes the details view |
filterOptionsView |
module:searchmenu.SearchViewDescription | describes the filter options view |
filtersView |
module:searchmenu.SearchViewDescription | describes the filters view |
waitBeforeClose |
string |
<optional> |
700 | timeout in milliseconds when search is closed after blur (loss of focus) (default=700) |
waitBeforeSearch |
string |
<optional> |
500 | time in milliseconds to wait until typing is finished and search starts (default=500) |
waitBeforeMouseOver |
string |
<optional> |
700 | time in milliseconds to wait until mouse over opens details (default=700) |
- Source:
This function adds predefined search parameters before search is triggered, e.g. constants, environment parameters, ...
Name | Type | Description |
searchParametersObject |
Object |
- Source:
SearchService(searchParameters, onSearchResultsAvailable)
This function will be called to trigger search (calling the search backend).
Name | Type | Description |
searchParameters |
Object | object that contains all parameters as properties. It will be converted to JSON. |
onSearchResultsAvailable |
module:searchmenu.SearchServiceResultAvailable | will be called when search results are available. |
- Source:
- Object
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
category |
String |
<optional> |
"" | name of the category. Default = "". Could contain a short domain name. (e.g. "city") |
fieldName |
String | field name that will be used e.g. as a search parameter name for filter options. |
displayName |
String |
<optional> |
"" | readable display name for e.g. the list of results. |
abbreviation |
String |
<optional> |
"" | one optional character, a symbol character or a short abbreviation of the category |
value |
String | value of the field |
details |
Array.<module:searchmenu.SearchUiData> | if there are further details that will be displayed e.g. on mouse over |
options |
Array.<module:searchmenu.SearchUiData> | contains filter options that can be selected as search parameters |
default |
Array.<module:searchmenu.SearchUiData> | array with one element representing the default filter option (selected automatically) |
summaries |
Array.<module:searchmenu.SearchUiData> | fields that are used to display the main search entry/result |
urltemplate |
Array.<module:searchmenu.SearchUiData> | contains a single field with the value of the url template. Marks the entry as navigation target. |
- Source:
Describes a part of the search view (e.g. search result details).
- Object
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
viewElementId |
string | id of the element (e.g. "div"), that contains the view with all list elements and their parent. |
listParentElementId |
string | id of the element (e.g. "ul"), that contains all list entries and is located inside the view. |
listEntryElementIdPrefix |
string | id prefix (followed by "--" and the index number) for every list entry |
listEntryElementTag |
string |
<optional> |
"li" | element tag for list entries. defaults to "li". |
listEntryTextTemplate |
string |
<optional> |
"{{displayName}}: {{value}}" | template for the text of each list entry |
listEntrySummaryTemplate |
string |
<optional> |
"{{summaries[0].displayName}}: {{summaries[0].value}}" | template for the text of each list entry, if the data group "summary" exists. |
listEntryStyleClassTemplate |
string |
<optional> |
"{{view.listEntryElementIdPrefix}} {{category}}" | template for the style class of each list entry. |
isSelectableFilterOption |
boolean |
<optional> |
false | Specifies, if the list entry can be selected as filter option |
- Source:
This function returns the ID for the first sub menu entry using the given type name (= name of the sub menu).
Name | Type | Description |
type |
string | name of the sub menu entries |
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TemplateResolver(templateToResolve, sourceObject) → {module:searchmenu.SearchUiData}
This function replaces variables in double curly brackets with the property values of the given object.
Name | Type | Description |
templateToResolve |
String | may contain variables in double curly brackets e.g. like |
sourceObject |
Object | the fields of this object are used to replace the variables in the template |
- Source:
converted and structured data for search UI
This function will be called, when search results are available.
Name | Type | Description |
searchResultData |
Object | already parsed data object containing the result of the search |
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