Source: search-service-client.js

 * @file Provides the (http) client/connection to the search backend service.
 * @version {@link latest version}
 * @author JohT
 * @version ${project.version}

"use strict";

var module = datarestructorInternalCreateIfNotExists(module); // Fallback for vanilla js without modules

function datarestructorInternalCreateIfNotExists(objectToCheck) {
  return objectToCheck || {};

 * Search-Menu Service-Client.
 * It provides the (http) client/connection to the search backend service.
 * @module searchMenuServiceClient
var searchMenuServiceClient = (module.exports = {}); // Export module for npm...
searchMenuServiceClient.internalCreateIfNotExists = datarestructorInternalCreateIfNotExists;

var xmlHttpRequest = xmlHttpRequest || require("../../src/js/ponyfills/xmlHttpRequestPonyfill"); // supports vanilla js & npm

 searchMenuServiceClient.HttpSearchConfig = (function () {
   * Configures and builds the {@link module:searchMenuServiceClient.HttpClient}.
   * DescribedDataField is the main element of the restructured data and therefore considered "public".
   * @constructs HttpSearchConfig
   * @alias module:searchMenuServiceClient.HttpSearchConfig
  function HttpSearchConfig() {
     * HTTP Search Configuration.
     * @property {string} searchUrlTemplate URL that is called for every search request. It may include variables in double curly brackets like `{{searchtext}}`.
     * @property {string} [searchMethod="POST"] HTTP Method, that is used for every search request.
     * @property {string} [searchContentType="application/json"] HTTP MIME-Type of the body, that is used for every search request.
     * @property {string} searchBodyTemplate HTTP body template, that is used for every search request. It may include variables in double curly brackets like `{{jsonSearchParameters}}`.
     * @property {XMLHttpRequest} [httpRequest=new XMLHttpRequest()] Contains the XMLHttpRequest that is used to handle HTTP requests and responses. Defaults to XMLHttpRequest.
     * @property {boolean} [debugMode=false] Adds detailed logging for development and debugging.
    this.config = {
      searchUrlTemplate: "",
      searchMethod: "POST",
      searchContentType: "application/json",
      searchBodyTemplate: null,
       * Resolves variables in the search url template based on the given search parameters object.
       * The variable {{jsonSearchParameters}} will be replaced by the JSON of all search parameters.
       * @param {Object} searchParameters object properties will be used to replace the variables of the searchUrlTemplate
      resolveSearchUrl: function (searchParameters) {
        return resolveTemplate(this.searchUrlTemplate, searchParameters, this.debugMode);
       * Resolves variables in the search body template based on the given search parameters object.
       * The variable {{jsonSearchParameters}} will be replaced by the JSON of all search parameters.
       * @param {Object} searchParameters object properties will be used to replace the variables of the searchBodyTemplate
      resolveSearchBody: function (searchParameters) {
        return resolveTemplate(this.searchBodyTemplate, searchParameters, this.debugMode);
      httpRequest: null,
      debugMode: false
     * Sets the url for the HTTP request for the search.
     * It may include variables in double curly brackets like {{searchtext}}.
     * @param {String} value
     * @return {module:searchMenuServiceClient.HttpSearchConfig}
    this.searchUrlTemplate = function (value) {
      this.config.searchUrlTemplate = value;
      return this;
     * Sets the HTTP method for the search. Defaults to "POST".
     * @param {String} value
     * @return {module:searchMenuServiceClient.HttpSearchConfig}
    this.searchMethod = function (value) {
      this.config.searchMethod = value;
      return this;
     * Sets the HTTP content type of the request body. Defaults to "application/json".
     * @param {String} value
     * @return {module:searchMenuServiceClient.HttpSearchConfig}
    this.searchContentType = function (value) {
      this.config.searchContentType = value;
      return this;
     * Sets the HTTP request body template that may contain variables (e.g. {{searchParameters}}) in double curly brackets, or null if there is none.
     * @param {String} value
     * @return {module:searchMenuServiceClient.HttpSearchConfig}
    this.searchBodyTemplate = function (value) {
      this.config.searchBodyTemplate = value;
      return this;
     * Sets the HTTP-Request-Object. Defaults to XMLHttpRequest if not set.
     * @param {String} value
     * @return {module:searchMenuServiceClient.HttpSearchConfig}
    this.httpRequest = function (value) {
      this.config.httpRequest = value;
      return this;
     * Sets the debug mode, that prints some more info to the console.
     * @param {boolean} value
     * @return {module:searchMenuServiceClient.HttpSearchConfig}
    this.debugMode = function (value) {
      this.config.debugMode = value === true;
      return this;
     * Uses the configuration to build the http client that provides the function "search" (parameters: searchParameters, onSuccess callback).
     * @returns {module:searchMenuServiceClient.HttpClient}
     */ = function () {
      if (!this.config.httpRequest) {
        this.config.httpRequest = xmlHttpRequest.getXMLHttpRequest();
      return new searchMenuServiceClient.HttpClient(this.config);

   * Resolves variables in the template based on the given search parameters object.
   * The variable {{jsonSearchParameters}} will be replaced by the JSON of all search parameters.
   * @param {String} template contains variables in double curly brackets that should be replaced by the values of the parameterSourceObject.
   * @param {Object} parameterSourceObject object properties will be used to replace the variables of the template
   * @param {boolean} debugMode enables/disables extended logging for debugging
   * @memberof module:searchMenuServiceClient.HttpSearchConfig
   * @protected
  function resolveTemplate(template, parameterSourceObject, debugMode) {
    if (template == null) {
      return null;
    var jsonSearchParameters = JSON.stringify(parameterSourceObject);
    var resolvedBody = template;
    resolvedBody = resolveVariableInTemplate(resolvedBody, "jsonSearchParameters", jsonSearchParameters);
    resolvedBody = resolveVariablesInTemplate(resolvedBody, parameterSourceObject);
    if (debugMode) {
      console.log("template=" + template);
      console.log("{{jsonSearchParameters}}=" + jsonSearchParameters);
      console.log("resolved template=" + resolvedBody);
    return resolvedBody;

  function resolveVariablesInTemplate(templateString, sourceDataObject) {
    var resolvedString = templateString;
    forEachFieldsIn(sourceDataObject, function (fieldName, fieldValue) {
      resolvedString = resolveVariableInTemplate(resolvedString, fieldName, fieldValue);
    return resolvedString;

  function resolveVariableInTemplate(templateString, fieldName, fieldValue) {
    //TODO could there be a better compatible solution to replace ALL occurrences instead of creating regular expressions?
    var variableReplaceRegExp = new RegExp("\\{\\{" + escapeCharsForRegEx(fieldName) + "\\}\\}", "gm");
    return templateString.replace(variableReplaceRegExp, fieldValue);

  function escapeCharsForRegEx(characters) {
    var nonWordCharactersRegEx = new RegExp("([^-\\w])", "gi");
    return characters.replace(nonWordCharactersRegEx, "\\$1");

  function forEachFieldsIn(object, fieldNameAndValueConsumer) {
    var fieldNames = Object.keys(object);
    var index, fieldName, fieldValue;
    for (index = 0; index < fieldNames.length; index += 1) {
      fieldName = fieldNames[index];
      fieldValue = object[fieldName];
      fieldNameAndValueConsumer(fieldName, fieldValue);

  return HttpSearchConfig;

 * This function will be called, when search results are available.
 * @callback module:searchMenuServiceClient.HttpClient.SearchServiceResultAvailable
 * @param {Object} searchResultData already parsed data object containing the result of the search

searchMenuServiceClient.HttpClient = (function () {
   * HttpClient.
   * Contains the "backend-connection" of the search bar. It submits the search query,
   * parses the results and informs the callback as soon as these results are available.
   * @example new searchMenuServiceClient.HttpSearchConfig();
   * @param {module:searchMenuServiceClient.HttpSearchConfig} config 
   * @constructs HttpClient
   * @alias module:searchMenuServiceClient.HttpClient
  var instance = function (config) {
     * Configuration for the search HTTP requests.
     * @type {module:searchMenuServiceClient.HttpSearchConfig}
    this.config = config;
     * This function will be called to trigger search (calling the search backend).
     * @function
     * @param {Object} searchParameters object that contains all parameters as properties. It will be converted to JSON.
     * @param {module:searchMenuServiceClient.HttpClient.SearchServiceResultAvailable} onSearchResultsAvailable will be called when search results are available.
     */ = createSearchFunction(this.config, this.config.httpRequest);

   * Creates the search service function that can be bound to the search menu.
   * @param {module:searchMenuServiceClient.HttpSearchConfig} config Configuration for the search HTTP requests.
   * @param {XMLHttpRequest} httpRequest Takes the HTTP-Request-Object.
   * @returns {module:searchMenuServiceClient.SearchService}
   * @memberof module:searchMenuServiceClient.HttpClient
   * @private
  function createSearchFunction(config, httpRequest) {
    return function (searchParameters, onJsonResultReceived) {
      var onFailure = function (resultText, httpStatus) {
        console.error("search failed with status code " + httpStatus + ": " + resultText);
      var searchUrl = config.resolveSearchUrl(searchParameters);
      var searchBody = config.resolveSearchBody(searchParameters);
      var request = { url: searchUrl, method: config.searchMethod, contentType: config.searchContentType, body: searchBody };
      if (config.debugMode) {
        onJsonResultReceived = loggedSuccess(onJsonResultReceived);
      httpRequestJson(request, httpRequest, onJsonResultReceived, onFailure);

  function loggedSuccess(onSuccess) {
    return function (jsonResult, status) {
      console.log("successful search response with code " + status + ": " + JSON.stringify(jsonResult, null, 2));
      onSuccess(jsonResult, status);

   * This function will be called when a already parsed response of the HTTP request is available.
   * @callback module:searchMenuServiceClient.HttpClient.ParsedHttpResponseAvailable
   * @param {Object} resultData already parsed data object containing the results of the HTTP request
   * @param {number} httpStatus HTTP response status
   * This function will be called when a response of the HTTP request is available as text.
   * @callback module:searchMenuServiceClient.HttpClient.TextHttpResponseAvailable
   * @param {Object} resultText response body as text
   * @param {number} httpStatus HTTP response status
   * Executes an HTTP "AJAX" request.
   * @param {Object} request - flattened json from search query result
   * @param {string} request.url - name of the property in hierarchical order separated by points
   * @param {string} request.method - value of the property as string
   * @param {string} request.contentType - value of the property as string
   * @param {string} request.body - value of the property as string
   * @param {Object} httpRequest - Browser provided object to use for the HTTP request.
   * @param {module:searchMenuServiceClient.HttpClient.ParsedHttpResponseAvailable} onSuccess - will be called when the request was successful.
   * @param {module:searchMenuServiceClient.HttpClient.TextHttpResponseAvailable} onFailure - will be called with the error message as text
   * @memberof module:searchMenuServiceClient.HttpClient
   * @private
  function httpRequestJson(request, httpRequest, onSuccess, onFailure) {
    httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function () {
      if (httpRequest.readyState === 4) {
        if (httpRequest.status >= 200 && httpRequest.status <= 299) {
          var jsonResult = JSON.parse(httpRequest.responseText);
          onSuccess(jsonResult, httpRequest.status);
        } else {
          onFailure(httpRequest.responseText, httpRequest.status);
    };, request.url, true);
    httpRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", request.contentType);

  return instance;